Monday, February 4, 2008

New Baby! Jared T Monsen

Jared T Monsen was born on Wednesday, Jan 30th at 11PM. He weighed 7lb and 11 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long(not bad for being 9 days early.
We are so thrilled to have him with us and to share his first photos.
Melissa is just as excited to be home and to be with the whole family.

New Baby! Jared T Monsen

Jared T Monsen was born on Wednesday, Jan 30th at 11PM
He weighed 7lb and 11 oz and was 19 1/2 inches long
(not bad for being 9 days early)
We are so thrilled to have him with us and to share his first photos. Mom is just as excited to be home and to be with the whole family.